Social Studies


National History Day Links

  1.  National History Day homepage
  2. Sample Topics
  3. NHD Official Rule Book


 Midwest Region

1. History Channel- the States 

2. History Channel- Dust Bowl Video!

3.  PBS Mark Twain (aka Samuel Clemens)

Arkansas History

1. Things to do and see in Arkansas

2. State Facts and Timeline

13 Colonies

1.) Mr. Nussbaum review sites

2.) PBS colony recreation

3.) Biographies of founding fathers

 4.) You be the historian- Life of the Springers

5.) Life in the colonies versus life today

6.) Women in Revolutionary Times

7.) BONUS- George Washington information sheet

General Social Studies:

  1. Encyclopedia of Arkansas
  2. Liberty's Kids
  3. Harcourt Social Studies- Harcourt review for each chapter in our textbook.
  4. US Mint for Kids
  5. Geography Review
  6. Brainbowl on current events
  7. National History Day- this link provides rules and regulations for all National History Entries as well as tips and ideas.
  8. Ben's Guide to the US Government- For Kids
  9. BONUS State Simile page
  10. BONUS Landform Matching page


   Students can create a US scrapbook.  This is were students use a 3-ring binder to create an ABC book about the United States.  Each page is a letter of the alphabet (for example A is for Alabama, B is for Barack Obama, C is for constitution, ect).  Requirements for full credit include:

  • five states
  • five famous Americans
  • five famous events
  • five important places
  • six other topics relating to any other aspect of the US