GT Parents Page

Parent's Page

Congratulations! You are a parent of a very special child who sees things differently from most other students their age.  Every gifted child is different, but they generally share some of the same qualities like curiousity and has wild even silly ideas about everyday things in life.  Since this presents some special considerations for parents here are some informational sites that may help raising a gifted child a bit more clear:


GT National Scholarhip- Scholarships from NSGT

GT National Programs across the United States- locations include Princeton, Amherst, and University of Chicago to name a few.

Hoagies Gifted Education- Parent's corner (and follow them on Twitter!), this site includes projects, articles, and discussions from other GT parents.

Arkansas Gifted and Talented Association- Advocates for gifted and talented education here in Arkansas.  Also they have an annual convention with classes and forums for other GT parents.

National Association for Gifted Children- Resources for parents, and parenting for high potential are just two tabs under the parent support section of the NAGC.

Y.E.S for Arkansas- Young entrepanuer showcase for Arkansas creative students.

Parenting Gifted Kids- Blog about GT parenting, includes some games for creative thinkers and books that may be helpful!


Program Evaluation and plan for areas of improvement:

Gifted and Talented program evaluation was completed in May of 2013 with an online survey, stakeholders meeting, and student interviews.  The findings were as follows:

1.) Parents of gifted students would like to be more informed regarding what is going on, dates of projects, and upcoming assignments.

2.) Students in GT want more time to be heard and have self directed learning and technology.

3.) Teachers and Administrators want to work with students to acheive the rigorous curriculum LISA is known for.

Gifted and Talented 2011-2013 gifted and program evaluation was completed in May of 2012 with the stakeholders meeting.  The findings were as follows:

Elementary parents were satisfied with resource room and felt it gave students an outlet.  During end of year meeting some parents expressed how the GT program was an outlet for students to explore career options and interests not otherwise taught in the curriculum.  100% of parents surveyed agreed that program was meeting objectives.

Area of concern was rigor level of Pre-AP classes in middle school.  Some families were concerned about the pace of instruction delivered.  GT coordinator was advised to follow up with more observation and conferences with Pre-AP classes.  Program objectives were hit in some subject areas but not all.  Improvement planned for 2012-2013 school year.